1·For years he harbored a secret wish to become a painter.
2·Remorse is a mixture of good will and bad faith: a sincere desire to close old wounds and a secret wish to be left alone.
3·Growing wine represents an art in itself, being a vintner is the ultimate life style and the secret wish of each hotelier.
4·Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the ford millions, if you can.
5·Once the public and secret keys of the users are created, they must log in and run the keylogin command anytime they wish to run the Secure RPC application.
在创建了用户的公钥和机密密钥之后,当这些用户希望运行安全 RPC 应用程序时,他们必须登录并运行 keylogin 命令。
6·You wish me not to tell the secret .
7·It wants a decisive shift of powers to Flanders, and makes little secret of its wish to see Belgium “evaporate” within the EU.
8·I wish you would make known your secret of always staying young.
9·Ruled by a wealthy and ambitious family, the al-Maktoums, it makes no secret of its wish to become the main financial centre between Europe and Asia.
10·Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the Ford millions, if you can.